Extract First and Last Name Tutorial

Dealing with names in a single cell isn’t always ideal, simply because databases are better suited with separate columns for First Name and Last Name. You can easily apply this formula to quickly separate a Full Name into First & Last Name.

FNAME.LNAME Extract.jpg

First Name: = LEFT(B3, SEARCH(" ",B3))

Last Name: =RIGHT(B3,LEN(B3)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(B3," ","*",LEN(B3)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B3," ","")))))

B3 in the formula above contains the full name. Simply adjust that cell reference to the Full Name within your spread sheet.

The formulas look for the first and last space within the cell to separate the name. If there are extra/double spaces within the Full Name, simply use a TRIM formula to clean it up first.